Whitefield Church is part of the Presbyterian Church of Wales
Also known as the Calvinistic Methodist Church of Wales
The Presbyterian Church grew out of the eighteenth-century revival in Wales led by such men as, Howell Harris, Daniel Rowlands, William Williams the hymn writer and George Whitefield. It bears the name Whitefield partly because George Whitefield often visited Abergavenny and married a widow from Abergavenny, Mrs Elizabeth James.
The church in Abergavenny was founded in 1872 and moved to the present building on Penypound in 1908.
We are a group of people from different backgrounds who meet to worship God and share our faith with others. Our faith is based on our relationship with the Lord Jesus, our only hope in life. The Bible is foundational to all we believe and do.
What we believe
We believe our purpose is to worship God and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as it is revealed in the Bible and explained in our Confession of Faith.
Morning Worship
We sing hymns, pray, read the Bible, and listen to a gospel message
Ark Wellbeing
An opportunity to participate in various activities including craft, board games, etc
Bible Study and Prayer
We discuss a Bible passage and pray for various needs in the church, town, and world
Other Activities
Including Afternoon Teas, Fellowship Meals as well as special services.